Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is a person who helps someone else - usually a business owner or small business - with a variety of tasks from a remote location.
The use of virtual assistants in business has grown over the past several years. First, because technology improvements like high Internet speed, document sharing and the like have facilitated working remotely. Secondly, the skill sets of virtual assistants have become increasingly diverse. Today's virtual assistants not only specialize in traditional professions, such as secretarial and administrative assistant duties, they can be found in nearly any specialty area from bookkeeping to Internet marketing and more.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Fact 1: Dr. King got a C in public speaking at seminary school. Dr. King’s father, a preacher in Atlanta, thought his son was the best speaker he’d ever seen, before he went away to seminary school. But in his first year of seminary school in Chester, Pennsylvania, one of Dr. King’s professors gave him a C in a public speaking course! In his third and final year, Dr. King was valedictorian with straight A’s.
Fact 2: While at Crozer Theological Seminary, Dr. King was introduced to the teachings and philosophies of Mohandas Gandhi. Dr. King entered Crozer in the fall of 1948, after Gandhi was assassinated in January 1948 in India. In an interview, Dr. King said he attended a lecture from the president of Howard University given in Philadelphia about Gandhi, and he immediately became “deeply influenced” by the philosophy of nonviolence.
Fact 3: Dr. King was virtually unknown when he was named as spokesman for the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955. He had recently arrived in Alabama, and the leaders of the boycott, which was sparked by Rosa Parks’ decision to keep her bus seat, wanted a newcomer to be the public voice of the movement. There were concerns that some rivalries within the movement could present problems, and Dr. King was picked as a bipartisan leader.
Fact 4. Dr. King apparently improvised parts of the “I Have A Dream” speech in August 1963, including its title passage. Clarence B. Jones worked on the draft of the speech, which was being revised up to the time Dr. King took the podium. He says Dr. King’s remarks were up in the air about 12 hours before he spoke, and the “dream” reference wasn’t in the speech. Dr. King later added it live when singer Mahalia Jackson prompted him to speak about the “dream.” In June 1963, Dr. King had talked about his dream in a speech in Detroit.
Fact 5. When Dr. King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, at the time he was the youngest Peace Prize winner ever, at the age of 35. Currently, Tawakkol Karman of Yemen in the youngest winner on record; she was 32 when she won the prize in 2011. His acceptance speech in Norway included the famous statement, “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right temporarily defeated is stronger than evil triumphant.”


         With assistance from the Quaker group the American Friends Service Committeee, and inspired by Gandhi's success with non-violent activism, King visited Gandhi's birthplace in India in 1959. The trip to India affected King in a profound way, deepening his understanding of non-violent resistance and his commitment to America's struggle for civil rights. In a radio address made during his final evening in India, King reflected, "Since being in India, I am more convinced than ever before that the method of nonviolent resistance is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for justice and human dignity. In a real sense, Mahatma Gandhi embodied in his life certain universal principles that are inherent in the moral structure of the universe, and these principles are as inescapable as the law of gravitation."

Friday, September 21, 2012

Buisnesses that blog

1. H&M

All in the family
If there’s one thing all our favorite celebrity families have in common, it’s not letting parenthood get in the way of personal style.

In the H&M blog I read most fashions that are trending and many fashions that should be killed with an axe! No matter what style your into H&M is FOR YOU!


Prada is alway making sure theyer blog is full of the latest chic clothes.

3. Louis Vuiton

Even if LOUIS VUITON just got caught signing michael phelps to a contract for a photo conract theryre still HOT, as paris hiton would say "thats HOT"!

Thursday, August 9, 2012




5 New Goals

1. Join FBLA
2. Maintain A 3.0 gpa or better
3. Arrive At School Everyday On Time
4. Be Prepared Every Day
5. Maintain A Positive Attitude About All My classes

2 New Things This Year...


# 1
Google 's Project Glass to push wearable electronics boom

Google 's Project Glass to push wearable electronics boom -

With Google giving the public a glimpse of the future of wearable electronics with its Project Glass spectacles, it appears that a world where technology is incorporated into all manner of accessories could soon be upon us.
‘Wearable’ technology has been around since the first wristwatches, but according to analysts, devices worn could be more reminiscent of accessories seen in Back to the Future II than your average Casio.
There are already currently a number of uses for wearable electronics - the US Major League Soccer is about to become the first football organisation to kit out all players with electronic tags, for example - but at the forefront of the public’s imagination is surely Google’s Project Glass, a ‘smartphone for your eyes’.
Google caused a bit of a stir with its Google Glass concept video recently, and is gearing up for a launch of the augmented reality spex in 2014. Earlier this week the firm received approval for one of its patents based on the smart glasses, giving an explanation of how the devices can be unlocked with a roll of the eyes.
The technology certainly appears impressive, and there are a number of potential uses. But are we really happy to wear Google’s glasses when walking down the street without the pointing and laughing, or stumbling into oncoming traffic as we are bombarded with heads up display info for directions to the nearest Subway restaurant?  
Wearing glasses without optometrical benefits might be de rigueur for the thick-rimmed faux glasses-wearing hipster community courted in Google’s own concept video - but would we really be comfortable wearing smart glasses to compare prices of Tesco and Sainsbury’s baked beans in the local supermarket?
According to analysts at IMS Research, the market for wearable electronics products such as smart glasses and watches is actually set to boom in the next few years, as the public becomes more used to such devices.
To a certain extent, wearable electronics have already arrived, with 14 million wearable devices shipped in 2011 according to analyst figures, largely due to applications such as fitness monitoring, as well as in in the healthcare sector.  
By 2016 however, analysts believe that the appeal will have widened to more mainstream applications, with conservative estimations sizing the total market for wearable electronics, including military applications, at $6 billion.
According to IMS Research analyst Theo Ahadome, the successful introduction of Google’s smart glasses, as well as a rumoured Apple smart watch, could create even more interest in wearable electronics.
Ahadome says that in the lowest estimates for smart glasses sales, which do not factor in any input from the likes of Google, it is predicted that the smart glasses market is set to see 150,000 units of smart glasses a year shipped by 2016.  
Factoring in the introduction of Project Glass at an earlier stage and this is likely to increase massively, with shipments expected to be closer to 9 million units as various firms release their own versions, some of whom already have devices in development. 
“We have already seen Olympus with a similar product, and once you get the Google product released you will see a cascading effect with other suppliers, which will make the whole market look very different,” Ahadome said, speaking with TechEye.
Such figures are eye-watering at the moment, given that any technology is still very much in development.  Ahadome notes that much will have to be done to persuade consumers to use smart glasses for actions which can already be done easily enough on a smartphone.
Compelling uses will come with further development, according to Ahadome. “With a lot of different technologies that have been developed it is always not easy to see the full use immediately,” he said, citing the iPad as one particular instance which had many scratching their heads at first over how it could prove useful.
Once developers start building more applications, the Ahadome believes the Google fanbase will flock as early adopters, leading to mass market appeal.

Read more: http://news.techeye.net/hardware/google-s-project-glass-to-push-wearable-electronics-boom#ixzz234RgE9cM


