Friday, January 13, 2012

Favorite Items & Ads For Them

1. Abercrombie & Fitch - targeted at most teens( even though some parents try to fit in to the clothes), I feel it is target at both male & females, When I went to a Private School all of the kids were wearing Hollister, Areopostale, Abercrombie, true religion & Lucky Brand Jeans. I had no clue what these were, one day at the mall i had money & I went into Abercrombie. I loved the store enviorment. I love this ad because they are reaching out to african Americans, I believe it is amazing that this day of age they arent that discriminative.

2. Volvo- Volvo's are mostly targeted at people with money, that is going to change, Volvo is launching a new capagin that will allow the company to sell smaller cars that will cost less. Did you know "the Volvo" was the first car with a seat-belt?! My dad works for Volvo of Tucson & I love all Volvos! The ad to the right is Volvo going electric!

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